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Installing Scala & Tools

This is an overview of the setup process to install the tools necessary to run the examples from the book. The following sections provide detailed instructions.

  1. Download and install Coursier. Coursier is the Scala installer we use to ensure that the right JVM and standard Scala tools are installed on your system. Details are here.
    Windows: Do This Instead.
  2. Run cs setup --jvm 21. This installs the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 21, Scala 3, and support tools such as the Scala Build Tool (SBT).
    Windows: Just run cs setup.
  3. Install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE): either IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
  4. Download or clone the examples repository.
  5. Open the repository in your IDE.
  6. Install the Scala add-on for your IDE.


  1. We assume you know how to use the Command-Line Interface (CLI) a.k.a shell for your Operating System (OS: Windows, Macintosh or Linux). If you do not, you can find instructions here. These instructions were written for Atomic Kotlin, so Kotlin will be referenced.

  2. If any terminology or processes described here are still not clear, you can usually find explanations or answers through Google. For more specific issues or problems, try StackOverflow. Sometimes you can find installation instructions on YouTube.

  3. If after any installation step something doesn't seem to work, try closing your shell and opening a new one.

1. Install Coursier

Windows Users: Go Here First

The process for installing Coursier is different for each operating system. The Coursier Installation Instructions provide a detailed guide for each system.

2. Use Coursier to Install the Required Tools

This command installs the JDK version 21, Scala 3, the SBT build tool, and several other tools. We specify version 21 of Java on the cs command line:

cs setup --jvm 21

Windows: Just run cs setup and it will find the JDK you installed here.

This may take a few minutes. When prompted with a [Y/n] query, enter y for all options.

3. Test Your Installation

Once installation is complete, close the current shell and open a new one. You can run a few quick tests to ensure the installation is successful:

1. cs java -version
Output will be something like:

openjdk version "21.0.3" 2024-04-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-21.0.3+9 (build 21.0.3+9-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-21.0.3+9 (build 21.0.3+9-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

If your Java version is not 21, update it with:

cs java --jvm 21 --setup

2. scalac -version
Output will be something like:

Scala compiler version 3.4.2 -- Copyright 2002-2024, LAMP/EPFL

3. sbt help
Output will be something like:

[info] welcome to sbt 1.10.0 (Eclipse Adoptium Java 21.0.3)

4. Using SBT

In a terminal, move to the directory where you extracted the examples repository and run:


This opens the sbt shell. For this project, the prompt will look something like this:


There are numerous commands available in the sbt command shell. To see them, type help at the sbt prompt.


To compile all the files in the current project, run compile in the sbt shell:

sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> compile

You might see some warnings the first time you run compile after installing the repository but you can ignore them.

Running a Program

run displays a list of all executables in the project:

sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> run

To run a specific program, use runMain:

sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> runMain programName

For example, to run App0 from Chapter03_Superpowers:

sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> run
(sbt displays numbered list of main programs)
Enter number: 1


sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> runMain Chapter03_Superpowers.App0

NOTE: Some output might be out-of-order vs. output shown in the book.

Automatic Command Execution

If you precede any command with ~, sbt automatically runs that command whenever there is a change to the associated files. For example:

sbt:EffectOrientedProgramming> ~runMain Chapter03_Superpowers.App0

automatically runs Chapter03_Superpowers.App0 whenever any of that program's files change. Pressing the ENTER key stops the automated command.


To exit the sbt shell, press ctrl + d.

5. Troubleshooting

  • Downloads can take a long time and might appear to be frozen. Just wait it out.

  • If Java is already installed, you might be missing the JDK or using the wrong version of Java. Execute this command to fix the problem:
    cs java --jvm 21 --setup

  • Periodically update to the latest Coursier version:

cs update cs
  • Periodically update your executables by re-installing them, e.g.:
cs install scalafmt

6. Windows Installation

Coursier might not be able to install Java 21 on your system, so it's much safer to install Java BEFORE installing Coursier:

1. Install Chocolatey (if not already installed)

  • Open PowerShell as Administrator.
  • Run the following command to install Chocolatey:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

2. Install JDK 21 using Chocolatey

choco install openjdk --version 21

Chocolatey also handles environment variable setup. Once you finish, close the shell and open a new one. Verify JAVA_HOME and PATH variables to ensure they are pointed to the JDK 21 installation. Now if you install and run Coursier it should find your newly-installed JDK 21 rather than installing a JDK.

3. Install and Run Coursier

cs java -version